Plate C Productions focuses on storytelling in all its various formats, from photographs, scripts, short stories and poems, to both scripted and unscripted filmed content and to songs and composed music.


Plate C Productions was formed in Seattle in 1995 by filmmaker Casey P. Chinn as he began production on his first short film, “Dealer Antes”.

Three more short films have since followed, “Confidence” (1998), “The Red Boot Diaries” (2001) and “All Features Great And Small” (2005). All of which screened nationally at film festivals.

In 2009 came the feature length documentary, “The Breakfast of Champions” which won the Audience Award at the 2011 Seattle True Independent Film Festival.

Plate C has also had a strong presence in the musical world, and has been the creative entity behind music videos for artists such as Pete Droge, Nevermore, Sweet Water and $10,000 Gold Chain.

Plate C has also kept a foot in the commercial world with campaigns for Santa Monica Escrow, and has been an integral part of the production of many short films and documentaries.